In the quest for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, individuals often face various challenges. Luckily, pharmaceutical advancements have led to the development of medications that can aid in weight management. One such groundbreaking medication is Xenical, now available at Newberry Express Pharmacy, conveniently located at 801 S Broadway, Marlow, Oklahoma 73055. Under the guidance of experienced pharmacist Shelley Mitchell, this pharmacy offers a reliable solution for individuals seeking effective weight loss assistance.

What is Xenical?

Xenical, also known by its generic name Orlistat, is an FDA-approved weight loss medication. It belongs to a class of drugs known as lipase inhibitors. Unlike other weight loss medications that act on the brain's appetite control centers, Xenical works in the digestive system by inhibiting the absorption of dietary fats. This unique mechanism helps individuals lose weight by reducing the calorie intake from dietary fat.


How does Xenical work?

Xenical works by blocking the action of lipase enzymes, which are responsible for breaking down dietary fats in the intestine. By inhibiting these enzymes, Xenical prevents the absorption of approximately one-third of the dietary fat consumed. The undigested fat is then excreted through bowel movements, resulting in reduced caloric intake and weight loss over time.

Benefits of Xenical

  • Effective weight loss: Clinical studies have demonstrated that Xenical can help individuals achieve significant weight loss when combined with a reduced-calorie diet. On average, users may experience a 5-10% reduction in body weight within six months of starting treatment.
  • Improved health markers: Xenical not only aids in weight loss but also offers potential health benefits. By reducing the absorption of dietary fats, Xenical may help lower cholesterol levels and improve overall lipid profiles.
  • Sustained weight loss: Unlike fad diets that often lead to short-term weight loss followed by weight regain, Xenical promotes sustainable weight loss. Its mechanism of action specifically targets the absorption of fats, making it an effective long-term solution for weight management.

Expert Guidance at Newberry Express Pharmacy

At Newberry Express Pharmacy, individuals have the advantage of receiving expert guidance from pharmacist Shelley Mitchell. With her extensive knowledge of medications and experience in weight management, Shelley can provide personalized advice to help patients make the most of their Xenical treatment.

Shelley's expertise includes

  • Comprehensive consultation: Shelley takes the time to understand each individual's unique weight loss goals, medical history, and lifestyle factors. This personalized approach ensures that patients receive tailored advice and support throughout their weight loss journey.
  • Medication management: Shelley provides detailed instructions on how to take Xenical effectively and safely, including dosage recommendations and potential side effects to watch for. She is readily available to answer any questions or concerns that patients may have.
  • Lifestyle recommendations: In addition to medication guidance, Shelley offers practical tips on adopting a healthy lifestyle, including dietary changes, regular exercise, and behavior modification strategies. These holistic recommendations complement the use of Xenical and enhance the overall weight loss journey.


Xenical represents a significant breakthrough in weight loss medication, and Newberry Express Pharmacy, led by pharmacist Shelley Mitchell, is proud to offer this innovative solution to the community of Marlow, Oklahoma. With its unique mechanism of action and expert guidance, Xenical can help individuals achieve sustainable weight loss and improve their overall health. Visit Newberry Express Pharmacy today at 801 S Broadway to learn more about Xenical and start your journey towards a healthier weight.
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