
www.xcmg.com favorite
Page Type:
Sole Proprietorship
Industrial Zone 26, Economic Development Zone, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221116
Company Number:
+ 8613920986270
XCMG was born in 1943 as an arsenal workshop during the War Against Japanese Aggression and has a history of 72 years. The group was incorporated in 1989, and has kept its leading position in Chinese construction machinery industry for 26 years.

According to KHL′s Yellow Table, XCMG ranks No. 8 in the world construction machinery industry in 2014. According to the rank of Top50 Summit of World Construction Machinery Industry, XCMG ranks No. 5 in the world.

At present, XCMG is a large state-owned international corporation with the most complete range of products and over 30, 000 employees operating in China, America, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, India, Brazil and Uzbekistan.